A Walk-through to use Digital Expo


You will receive an email after your registration is done. There is a link in that email which leads you to a new page.

In the following page, you need to set a new password for your account.


After setting your password, you will be redirected to Login page.

Use your email and Password to log in.


Upon your first log in, you need to complete your personal and company profile. Don’t forget to set your time zone to see the meetings in your local time.

Follow the steps as shown in the following images:


After that you need to upload your personal Profile Photo. Use the following steps as shown in the images:


Upload your company logo as shown below:


Then you need to set out your availability. You can reach the page through profile menu/My Availability button.

Please note that you should just define the times that you are NOT available.


After that you can select Digital Expo in the top navigation menu to find a relevant match based on your interests.

You can request a meeting once you find a match.


All done! 

Check your meetings in Agenda and make sure to attend them. You can access your Agenda from top navigation menu.