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Pendar Fanavar Ideh Gostar Management


Mapfa is a software developing company that provide cloud platforms and solutions in big data infrastructural with quality standards, we offer utmost qualitative, cost-effective and scalable software solutions.
Our focus is mostly on the following consolidated solutions within the area of expertise we have across different accomplished projects.
Our Partners: making us stronger with cooperative work together
Our History: that brings back our clients with more demands, evolutions, and expansions.


1- Mapfa VAS & MESSAGING TOOLKIT((smsc ,sms firewall ,ussd ,crbt ,missed call alerting))

is a set of products helping mobile carriers and aggregators efficiently run messaging business. SMS aggregation can be most efficiently organized with Mapfa SMS Platform – an all-in-one system to handle one- or two-way A2P and P2P traffic via a multitude of protocols and OTT APIs: SMPP, HTTP, SIGTRAN, UCP, WhatsApp, Telegram etc.
Heavy-duty message switching (up to 25000 SMS/sec) is supplemented with a vast variety of business features: efficient carrier and rate management, real-time routing, event- and session-based billing, volume and swap deals, reporting and analysis).

2- Mapfa Internet of Smart Things platform

is a product of strategic business intelligence for the Internet of Things (IoT), AI, Cloud, Edge and Industry 4. In this platform our goal is therefore to supply market participants in the IoT ecosystem with accurate information that enable them to go to market quicker and build safer and better IoT solutions.


Companies everywhere are experimenting with artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and advanced analytics in the belief that these technologies can be used to improve the customer experience. But, right now, many companies are largely focused on leveraging these technologies to automate labor and thereby reduce operating costs. The challenge here is the infrastructural solutions to prepare an environment where these applications can be deployed and concerns such as efficiency, scalability, maintenance, and evolution are standardized at excellence level.

Our key adding value is deployment of artificial intelligence and big data infrastructure in industries we have expertise in design and launch of big projects over the past 14+ years.
Service Delivery Platform
E2E Network Planning
Evolution and Implementation
Delivery and Operations
Network Training Service

Internet of Smart Things
IoT Design Consulting
System Rapid Prototyping
Custom Design Services
System Implementation

Media Unit Entertainment
Media Store Development
Multiplatform Development
Content Management
Support and System QA

Custom Application Development
Web Service Applications
Problem-Framing Toolkit
Planning Sprint Design
Product Granit Design

MAPFA is ready to cooperate with successful companies in the middle east to share the experience and develop new markets. This invitation includes all companies that are active in telecommunication and IOT and software industry, from MNOs and MVNOs to VAS and content providers and aggregators.